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“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭23‬ ‭

There are times when maintaining hope seems illogical and a waste of time. To raise your hands in surrender to despair and throw into the tomb the hope that fuels your agony is the temptation of the heart.

A proverb says: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”
‭‭(Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭12‬)

While the hope of the things we would like to see changed is a real and important need, maintaining hope in what we cannot change can be agonizing.

Today I want to invite you to channel your hope in a way that will always result in feelings of encouragement to your heart.

Whether the precise desire of your heart will be fulfilled or not, I don’t know. If you keep your heart in what you are waiting for, your heart will be empty and afflicted, but if you keep your heart in the one in whom all the promises have already been fulfilled, your heart will be hopeful in life.

Our hope is alive and we must keep it alive at all times. That hope came in the form of a child in a manger and he has promised to wipe every tear from your eyes and his words are faithful and true. (Revelation 21:4)

God has fulfilled all the promises that we would need by sending his son for us and fulfilling them in this way: company, comfort, peace, love, victory, strength, help, refuge and much more.

“For all God’s promises were fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “yes!”, and through Christ, our “amen” (which means “yes”) rises to God for his glory.” (2 Cor 1:20)

Our response to those promises and that living hope must always be a strong – “Amen!” – who rises to God for his glory.

So perhaps today, it is necessary for you that with shovel in hand, you rescue your buried dreams and bring them to the hope we have in Christ.

If His promises are faithful, then we will keep our hope alive in Him only. If God has responded with a “Yes” to the promises in Christ, I will live by responding with a firm “Amen” to each of those situations that challenge my hope.

Jenilee Rebarber

Jenilee Rebarber es la fundadora de The Altar Place. Jenilee es nativa de Puerto Rico, y vive en el estado de Florida en EU con su hijo Adrián. Es doctora en optometría, empresaria y estudiante del seminario de Liderazgo Ministerial de la Universidad Southeastern. A través de cada temporada y rol, Jenilee ha permitido que cada área de su vida la lleve más cerca de Jesús y le gusta poner eso en palabras. Sus escritos se han publicado en de Christianity Today, en el blog Boundless de Focus on the Family, en la Revista La Fuente y ha sido miembro del entrenamiento de escritores Compel. Para contacto e invitaciones puedes escribirle a:
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