“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” The best attitude that you can have toward life is that of gratitude. But, what drives us to be thankful?
The good and "not so good" of the 3rd trimester
You’ve gone thru all the emotional outburst that comes in the first trimester—from finding out that you are pregnant to all the sickness that can come with it (I was pretty lucky I didn’t get much of it). The spring-like season of the second trimester—where you feel pretty good and finally recover— is over. Third…
A letter to my unborn son
I still cannot believe you are growing inside of me. Seeing those images of you on the ultrasound made me feel you were so real—a real person with feelings, needs and personality. You are such a tiny beautiful creature.
La diferencia entre los fariseos y la mujer que derramó el perfume
Una mujer con fama de pecadora interrumpe con llanto la visita de Jesús en casa de un fariseo para derramar su alma ante El. Con lágrimas regó sus pies, los secó y los perfumó. Esto es símbolo de gran humildad, humillación y agradecimiento. Lucas 7: 36-50
Trusting God when the answers don't come
I was on my knees one night right before going to bed. Not knowing what to say, I considered my options. I thought perhaps I could seek comfort in worship, but I didn’t really have the serenity at the moment. Neither had I the strength to pray intensely. The reason I couldn’t do that was…
El "porqué" que intenta explicar mi crisis
Me apresuro a mi habitación, me desplomo en el suelo de rodillas y grito un desesperado “¡¿Por qué?!, cubierto en llanto.
El tiempo de levantarse de nuevo es siempre
Te encuentras en ese lugar donde ya has estado antes. Es el mismo lugar que te habías esforzado tanto por no regresar. Esta vez, lleno de preguntas. Decepción. Tan solo pensando: “Otra vez, ¿Cómo?”¿Cuantas veces hemos sentido que hemos caído en lo mismo, hemos repetido la conducta, el error o no podemos alcanzar lo que…
The gospel of second chances
I was seeing someone that was known to do some inexcusable things while being a christian, now delivering a christian message. Was this person being hypocritical or was I seeing a person that have been restored? Wait a minute. Why am I even questioning this? It is not my place to question upon others. I too,…