Estreno Podcast
Conociendo la Mujer que Dios creo en ti: Fortaleza
“Ella es fuerte y llena de energía y es muy trabajadora.” Proverbios 31:17 Fuerte, energética y trabajadora Cada vez que entraba a mi habitación la enfermera estudiante me miraba y decía: “que fuerte eres”. Tras 18 horas con dolores de parto, entendí que Dios tenía que haber equipado a la mujer con esta fortaleza…
God’s destination for you is your purpose.
I never really payed much attention to the word purpose in my life until recently. The word purpose has resonated in my life in companion to the series of my life events and development. The picture of my creation, my formation, how I came to Jesus and what has happened in my life has collided…
In the eyes of Jesus
Our lives—everything we do, what we don’t do, how we behave, what we choose, what we neglect—it all conglomerates to portrait a clear reflection of who we are as a person. Or, in some cases, our actions may translate into who we are trying to be or who we are playing to be. In the…
Hunger for Something Real
I wonder how many feel the same way. When you know the real thing, you can’t settle for imitations. If there is something that I want for my life is to be real and have a genuine, authentic relationship with God and experience of faith.
How a mom grows
Lovely sounds wake me up in the morning, now that my baby can use his vocal chords to make sounds other than crying. He makes melody sounds and babbles as he moves around playing in his crib. No matter how tired I can be, I wake up with the same feeling that I had after…