Pentecostés: mucho mas que una experiencia, una necesidad para la iglesia y el mundo de hoy

Los judíos tenían sus días festivos y hacían fiestas tipo festivales como lo hacemos nosotros también. El día de Pentecostés, conocido como la fiesta de la cosecha, era uno de esos y en esta ocasión venían judíos o Gentiles (personas convertidas al judaísmo) de todas partes del mundo a Jerusalén, para celebrar el festival. Era…

Why I don’t use “blessed” in my captions or hashtags

The word “blessed” has been very popular over the past years. You can see it now widely used to describe people’s accomplishments, possessions, or relationships. It seems that the overall message is that being blessed means having something or someone. We have fallen into such an individualistic and self-focused gospel that we decide to be…

Rebuilding Altars {Why Getting closer should fallow my failures}

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 There are many people who turn away from God after failing. They feel too ashamed, christianity feels too hard for them or they fear they won’t be…