En momentos críticos tenia que tomar decisiones críticas. No era fácil de entender pero entendí lo necesario cuando Dios habló a mi vida por medio de este pasaje bíblico: “Está vestida de fortaleza y dignidad, y se ríe sin temor al futuro.” Proverbios 31:25 Jamas seré la misma mujer desde entonces. Ya había conocido a…
Why I don’t use “blessed” in my captions or hashtags
The word “blessed” has been very popular over the past years. You can see it now widely used to describe people’s accomplishments, possessions, or relationships. It seems that the overall message is that being blessed means having something or someone. We have fallen into such an individualistic and self-focused gospel that we decide to be…
In the eyes of Jesus
Our lives—everything we do, what we don’t do, how we behave, what we choose, what we neglect—it all conglomerates to portrait a clear reflection of who we are as a person. Or, in some cases, our actions may translate into who we are trying to be or who we are playing to be. In the…
Blog series: The prayer life of the new mom { The learning focus that keeps me closer to Jesus }
Luke 10:38-42 An important teacher had arrived to the house. He had wisdom, truth and offered guidance. Mary was thinking: “He is right here, right now for me. There are many things that I could do but I need him more than anything.” In spite of everything that she could do, Mary understood the type of attention…
La diferencia entre los fariseos y la mujer que derramó el perfume
Una mujer con fama de pecadora interrumpe con llanto la visita de Jesús en casa de un fariseo para derramar su alma ante El. Con lágrimas regó sus pies, los secó y los perfumó. Esto es símbolo de gran humildad, humillación y agradecimiento. Lucas 7: 36-50