Intentamos explicar las situaciones adversas y pretendemos responsabilizar a Dios por todo lo que nos sucede. Lo he hecho. Perdoname Señor, por caer en eso. ¡Que espiritú debil! Pero más debil es el que intenta protagonizar a Dios en las calamidades de los demas. En esta vida se ve de todo. Pero lo cierto es que…
In the eyes of Jesus
Our lives—everything we do, what we don’t do, how we behave, what we choose, what we neglect—it all conglomerates to portrait a clear reflection of who we are as a person. Or, in some cases, our actions may translate into who we are trying to be or who we are playing to be. In the…
Mi imperfección no es excusa
“Nadie es perfecto.” Un argumento totalmente cierto que todos hemos dicho alguna vez. Ese “nadie es perfecto” nos consuela de nuestras decepciones ó intenta excusarnos evadiendo cierta responsabilidad. Cierto es también que mis errores, malas costumbres ó a mis ofensas no son justificados ó pasados por alto debido a mi naturaleza imperfecta.
Unfair & Unseen
Genesis 16 Hagar was a handmaiden, a servant or a slave. With all the things she might had to put up with, she had never experienced what may be considered the abuse of a woman who was desperate to conceive. Hagar fled to nowhere, feeling miserable. Her desired for relief from what she was living next…
Gratitud, Contentamiento y Generosidad: Una Vida Agradecida
“No lo digo porque tenga escasez, pues he aprendido a contentarme, cualquiera que sea mi situación. Sé vivir humildemente, y sé tener abundancia; en todo y por todo estoy enseñado, asà para estar saciado como para tener hambre, asà para tener abundancia como para padecer necesidad. Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.” Filipenses 4: 11-13…
Gratitude, Contentment and Generosity: A true reflection of a thankful heart
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or…
Hunger for Something Real
I wonder how many feel the same way. When you know the real thing, you can’t settle for imitations. If there is something that I want for my life is to be real and have a genuine, authentic relationship with God and experience of faith.
The other giants that David defeated
David had some issues with other people. He was profoundly upset by those who were not honoring to God. He said: “They speak of you with evil intent, your adversaries misuse your name…I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies.” Psalms 139:20 We could comfortably cling to the offense or wrongness of others…