Remember when you were a teenager and had just started driving? Most likely, your parents were the teacher and usually, the father spends adequate amount of time to teach his children how to drive a car. After many days of driving with them in the passenger seats, hearing all the instructions, pointers, shouts of fear…
Mañana Viernes estrena el Podcast
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Conociendo la Mujer que Dios creo en ti: Fortaleza
“Ella es fuerte y llena de energía y es muy trabajadora.” Proverbios 31:17 Fuerte, energética y trabajadora Cada vez que entraba a mi habitación la enfermera estudiante me miraba y decía: “que fuerte eres”. Tras 18 horas con dolores de parto, entendí que Dios tenía que haber equipado a la mujer con esta fortaleza…
Conociendo la Mujer que Dios ha Creado en Ti: Dia 1
Al leer Proverbios 31 podemos ver la proyección de una imagen ideal de la mujer y por ello muchas mujeres quizás se pueden sentir que les falta todavía para llegar a la altura de esa imagen. Yo he sido una de ellas. Pero, realmente yo no quiero la imagen, quiero ser esa mujer tal para…
Why I don’t use “blessed” in my captions or hashtags
The word “blessed” has been very popular over the past years. You can see it now widely used to describe people’s accomplishments, possessions, or relationships. It seems that the overall message is that being blessed means having something or someone. We have fallen into such an individualistic and self-focused gospel that we decide to be…
No more half-filled or half-empty; Fill me UP
Today I had 10 minutes that I didn’t expected to have. I decided to give those 10 minutes to God as I am working on giving him more time and the priority of my life. Oh how many things God can do in just 10 minutes, you’ll be amazed! There are barriers that can come…
"I AM" in a "Me" centered World
More than ever, this generation is emerging from a great influence of self-centeredness where gratification comes from having all eyes on us and having it our way. We like that, we feel important and apparently we need that.